Sanatan Dharma Holy City


Why The Need

Sanatan Dharma, the base religious philosophy of Hinduism, lost its sanctity over the millenniums due to emergence of various Sects (called Religions) i.e., Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Swaminarayan, Arya Samaj, Sai Baba to name a few, though all of them drew knowledge from Sanatan Dharma scriptures in one form or the other. In the process Hindus did not transfer knowledge from generation to generation, and today it is almost lost.

Hindus built biggest of the biggest temples of Deities but failed to build a place for Sanatan Dharma. Absence of a place for Sanatan Dharma got Hindus divided. Today the younger generation is all confused about Hinduism and there is need to correct this. Resurgence of Sanatan Dharma is the need of the hour to unite Hindus, transfer knowledge, imbibe values and build character.

Some quotes on Hinduism by Western Geniuses

“Hinduism and Hindus will one day rule this world because it is mixture of KNOWLWDGE and WISDOM.”
Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

“How many generations are going to face atrocities and murders until Hinduism is well understood. But the world will one day be inspired by Hindutva. Only on that day will the world become a place for humans to settle and live”
Herbert Wells (1846-1946)

“If not today, one day we will have to accept Hinduism. Because that is the true religion.”
Johann Keith (1749-1832)

“I read about Hinduism. I feel that that this is the religion of mankind all over the world. Hinduism spread throughout Europe. Many scholars studying Hinduism will appear in Europe. One day the situation will develop where only Hindus will lead the world.” Bertrand Russel (1872-1970)

“One day the world will accept Hinduism. Refusing to accept the true name of Hinduism will only make one accept its principles. Western nations will surely one day convert to "Hinduism.The religion of learned is equal to that of Hinduism." Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

Hindus have failed in meeting the feelings of these geniuses and are already late in building a central place for Hinduism. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. Let us do it now


What is Holy City

Detailed PDF Presentation will give the reader the whole concept.


Resurgence of Sanatan Dharma.

Disseminating knowledge about Sanatan Dharma.

Uniting Hindus irrespective of their Gods and Goddesses they follow, caste or creed.

Peaceful co-existence message.

Develop as Holy place of pilgrimage.

Center point to issue directive guidelines on Sanatan Dharma.

Analyze Hindu traditions, festivals, rituals, customs, practices and disseminate knowledge on them in a systematic and organized way.

Place for Inter-faith conferences.

Spread Sanatan Dharma philosophy that the world is one big family.

Salient Features


Land Area 8,000 to 10,000 Acres


On the bank of a holy river


Easy access by Road, Rail, Air & Sea


University for Sanatan Dharma and other Religions Studies


Academy for Indian Culture, Traditions, Festivals, Rituals, Music & Dance.



Wellness Center

Wellness Centers

Yoga Centers

Yoga Center


Accomadation for Pilgrims



Clean &
Green City


Senior Citizens

central Sanctorum

Full Animated Video of the Holy City


Project Timeline

Sr.No. Description 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032
1 Finalize Holy City project concept
2 Prepare PPT
3 Register Trust
4 Form Team
5 Get endorsements
6 Hold meetings with State & Central Govt.
7 Identify project sites
8 Sign agreement with State Govt.
9 Raise Funds
10 Acquire land
11 Finalize design
12 Start Infrastructure work
13 Project Construction

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काम जारी है

अभी शुरू होना है